Functional Strength Yoga

A power vinyasa flow with low-impact body-weight exercises throughout, and a large focus on fostering core strength. Begins with gentle breathwork and ends with meditation.

All levels welcome.

60 minutes.

Energy level: Medium to high.

Bring: a yoga mat and water bottle.

Gentle Hatha Yoga

A restorative style class focused on moving slowly with intention through each posture. Begins with gentle breathwork and ends with meditation.

All levels welcome.

60 minutes.

Energy level: Low.

Bring: a yoga mat and water bottle

Breath Vinyasa Yoga

A slower paced vinyasa class with a large focus on connecting breath to movement. Begins with gentle breathwork and ends with meditation.

All levels welcome.

60 minutes.

Energy level: Medium.

Bring: a yoga mat and water bottle